I hope for this site to be a gathering place for all the old news pages that have been posted to have a permanent home for storage, so they can be easily found again.     

There are many pages that I have photographed that my mother had, from the mid eighties upward, plus pages that I have collected over the years.

Right now content here includes the images that Ron Zinck posted for 1964. If you go to "obituaries - 1964 then those will show up by newspaper date. There are a few in "individual alphabetic" as well, courtesy of Ron Zinck's work.

There are a few full newspaper vital stats pages from 1958, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1992, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1998, 1999 that I have photographed as well.

If you look under "news articles >disasters, you will find the 1958 Springhill mine disaster, and if you look under "general interest" there are some pages from the Kennedy assasination in 1963.
Under "religion" there will be a collection of M. Allen Gibson's Churches by the Sea articles.

I am still working out "search" features and "previous / next" on the pages, so you will find some things don't work yet. For most pages your browser's "back" button will be your friend.

Once you land on a page for an image there will be a small version of the image next to the menu. If you hover your mouse over it, there will be a zoomed in version of the image to the right. If your browser is set to be too narrow, the zoom part will drop below the smaller image making it difficult to see. If the zoom box doesn't load, hit refresh and it should show up. The zoom feature seems to work best on full size pages at the moment, so some of the single obits may not view as well.
If you want to download an image to your own computer, there is a thumbnail at the bottom of the page. Right click on it and "save as".
I have not tested any of this on a phone yet, but I suspect it would be difficult to navigate. I will try and add content as time permits, but just getting the images named and organized and the pages built is a slow process.  (Just my folder of pages that I've photographed is over 22,000 images, all needing to be named and a page created for)